Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Health Advice Do you like grapefruit?

The interaction between grapefruit juice and some medications can cause negative effects, especially on kidney level, and sometimes it can be fatal. A woman that uses birth control pills and then suddenly drinks too much grapefruit juice can get pregnant because this juice makes the effects of the pills disappear.
Grapefruit juice is not indicated to drink while taking anti-depressing medication, antibiotics and medicine for cardio-vascular diseases. A person that takes anti-depressives and adds to that grapefruit in huge quantities can feel that he has all of a sudden too much or too little energy, depending on the pills taken. Combining it with antibiotic can cause stomach sickness or can extend the illness you are taking medication for because the antibiotics will diminuate their effect. Heart drugs don’t work anymore, the blood pressure stays up and the heart beat irregularly. For those that love grapefruit juice, witch is more concentrated than the fruit itself, a recommendation would be to restrain from drinking it while they are taking medication.

 Doctors try to raise attention upon avoiding and combating the combination of grapefruit with medicine especially because in some diets grapefruit juice is recommended in huge quantities.
 Grapefruit is benefic to organism if used properly. It belongs to that class of aliments that burn calories, because it takes more calories to digest them than they have. Eating the fruit is not a problem, nor is drinking a glass of juice once in a while. The problem appears where human reasoning disappears. Wanting to loose more weight faster, people weaken their bodies and eat only grapefruits. It is efficient for a diet, but it also loosens the imunitary system. They become more vulnerable, more tired and nervous and if taking any medications they are risking their health in this combination.
 So use this aliment wisely, go ask a specialist of its precise effects in your case and don’t abuse drinking grapefruit juice. Abusing something has never brought anything good, and it won’t in this case either. If you want to go on with your diet and keep your health find an alternative solution or make sure this does not affect your organism.
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Fixing Our Math Education

Fixing Our Math Education

There has been widespread panic in the United States over the state of our math education. Poor performance of American students on various national tests has raised major concerns among educators.

      All this concern is based on the assumption that there is a single established set if mathematical skills and methods that everyone needs to know to prepare for future careers. The truth is that different sets of math skills are useful for different career paths, and our educational system should reflect that.
Schools in the United States offer a sequence of algebra, geometry, pre-calculus and calculus. This abstract curriculum is simply not the most effective way to prepare the vast majority of high school students for the workforce and future careers.

         For instance, it is not often that most adults come across a situation in which they need to solve a quadratic equation. Nor do they need to know what constitutes a "group of transformations," or "complex number." Professional mathematicians and physicists need to have an understanding of this, but the average citizen would be better off studying how mortgages are priced.
Math curriculum should be focused on solving real life problems. But there is a world of difference between teaching "pure" math, with no context, and teaching relevant problems that will lead students to appreciate how a mathematical formula models and clarifies real-world situations. This is how algebra courses currently proceed - introducing the mysterious variable x, which many students struggle to understand. By contrast, a contextual approach, in the style of all working scientists, would introduce formulas and math facts using abbreviations for simple quantities - for instance, Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, where E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of light.

         This can be achieved by replacing the normal sequence of algebra, geometry and calculus with a sequence of finance, data and standard engineering. In the finance course, students would learn the exponential function, use formulas, multiplication worksheets in spreadsheets and study the budgets of people, companies and governments.
Parents, teachers and state educational boards have a real choice. The traditional high school math sequence is not the only road to mathematical competence. For the United States to move forward in its educational process and compete on a global basis, we need to teach in a manner that makes sense to all students. The skills taught must be useful throughout the student's lifetime.

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Senin, 10 Juni 2013



          TOEFL, atau Test Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing, adalah ujian yang mengukur kemampuan Anda untuk berbicara, membaca, dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris di sebuah perguruan tinggi atau universitas. Tes ini adalah salah satu ukuran terbaik apakah Anda sudah siap untuk menghadiri kuliah di sebuah sekolah berbahasa Inggris. Meskipun Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa Anda berbicara dan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan baik, berbuat demikian di tingkat perguruan tinggi sama sekali berbeda, terutama jika Anda telah mempelajarinya sebagai bahasa asing. Apa yang terkandung di TOEFL? Uji adalah baik berbasis internet atau berbasis kertas. Keduanya menguji hal yang sama, tetapi dalam format yang sedikit berbeda. Penilaian ini menguji kemampuan Anda untuk membaca, mendengarkan, berbicara, dan menulis bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diminta untuk membaca ayat dan kemudian menjawab pertanyaan pada mereka. Anda juga akan diminta untuk mendengarkan ceramah yang merupakan kuliah tingkat perguruan tinggi, diikuti oleh lebih banyak pertanyaan. Beberapa tugas akan membutuhkan jawaban verbal, dan Anda akan diminta untuk menulis dua bagian. Kuliah, membaca ayat-ayat, dan pertanyaan yang semuanya dirancang untuk mencerminkan jenis tugas Anda akan diminta untuk tampil di tingkat perguruan tinggi.
Siapa yang membutuhkan TOEFL? Siswa yang ingin menghadiri berbahasa Inggris universitas atau sekolah tetapi telah belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing harus mengambil TOEFL sebelum mendaftar pada sekolah pilihan mereka. Banyak sekolah membutuhkan skor dari tes ini untuk pendaftaran. Di luar persyaratan penerimaan, TOEFL akan membantu Anda menilai apakah Anda memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menghadapi situasi akademis di sekolah pilihan Anda. Anda akan perlu untuk dapat mendengar ceramah, menulis makalah, dan berkomunikasi secara lisan dengan guru dan teman sekelas. TOEFL akan menunjukkan kepada Anda apakah Anda telah mencapai tingkat kefasihan bahasa Inggris.
          TOEFL merupakan singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language. Tes TOEFL adalah sebuah tes yang bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggris pada orang - orang yang bahasa "ibunya" bukan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Ada beberapa hal yang diujikan pada tes TOEFL ini. Diantaranya adalah: listening, grammar, structure, dll. Contoh soal TOEFL (TOFEL) dibawah ini bisa kita jadikan sebagai bahan belajar untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam bidang bahasa Inggris.


          Manfaat dari TOEFL - TOEFL adalah penilaian kefasihan bahasa Inggris diterima oleh lebih dari 6.000 lembaga. Anda mungkin menganggap bahwa semua ini adalah di Amerika atau Inggris Raya, tetapi mereka sebenarnya tersebar di seluruh dunia di 110 negara. Hampir setiap universitas di negara-negara berbahasa Inggris utama seperti Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Australia, Kanada, dan Selandia Baru, gunakan nilai TOEFL untuk menentukan apakah atau tidak penutur non-bahasa Inggris dapat diterima pada program-program mereka, menerima beasiswa, atau masukkan lulus sekolah.
          Manfaat lain dari TOEFL atas tes kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang lain adalah kenyataan bahwa ada lebih dari 4.000 pusat tes dapat Anda gunakan. Jika Anda harus melakukan perjalanan, Anda akan menghemat waktu dan uang karena tes dapat diselesaikan dalam satu hari.
Akhirnya, tes ini memberikan Anda bias ukuran kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda. Skor tes secara anonim, dan tidak ada wawancara yang dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari proses. Jika Anda tahu bahasa Inggris dengan baik, Anda akan skor dengan baik, jelas dan sederhana. TOEFL adalah ukuran terbaik dari kemampuan Anda untuk sukses dalam suatu program kuliah berbahasa Inggris


This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriatefor standard written English.
1. The Eiffel Tower ___________ Paris, France.
a. landmarks
b. is landmarked in
c. is a landmark in
d. is in a landmark 

Jawaban : C
2. Young deer _________.
a. are called fawns
b. be fawns
c. is fawns
d. are fawns called

Jawaban : A
3. Not until a dog is several months old does it begin to exhibit signs of independence ___________.
a. its mother from
b. from mother
c. to mother
d. from its mother

Jawaban : D
4. The Treasury Department..................... take a new look at regulations limiting the
b.numberof interest that bank and
c.savings, and loan associations
d.can pay on deposits.
Jawaban : A
5. The repair shop.........................
a.keep my cassette player for six weeks before
 b.returning it,
c.nevertheless, still does not work properly

Jawaban : A
6. To score a goal in soccer you ________.
a. must kick the ball
b. must kicks the ball
c. may kick them ball
d. must kick them balls

Jawaban : A
7. The observation deck at the Sears Tower _________ in Chicago.
a. is highest than any other one
b. is highest than any other one
c. is higher than any other one
d. is higher that any other one

Jawaban : A
8. If it _________ so cloudy, we would plan on having the fair outside.
a. was
b. was not
c. weren’t
 d. had not
Jawaban : B
9. At the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, Geraldine Ferrarobecame the first woman _________ for the vice presidency.
a. to being nominated
b. to has been nominated
c. to have been nominated
d. to will be nominated

Jawaban : C
10. Pearl Buck, ............................
 a.a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
 b.for Literature in 1938
 c.stroveto bring understanding and peace
 d.on everyone.
Jawaban : D
11. In most circumstances .....................
 a.the person that owns the property
 b.can claim the rights money made
 d.from drilling oil on their property.

Jawaban : C
12. _______ chocolate will give you a tummy ache.
a. Eat too much
b. Eating to much
c. Eating too much
d. Eating too many

Jawaban : C
13. If she ____________ to advance her clock one hour, she wouldn’t have been late
for work.
a. should have remembered
b. could remembered
c. remembered
d. would have remembered
Jawaban : D
14. A dream about falling _________
a. scary is
b. is scary
c. are scary
d. very scary is

Jawaban : B
15. George Washington _________first U.S. President.
a. was the
b. became
c. were the
d. are the

Jawaban : A
16. Amelia Earhart was _______________ to pilot her plane across the Atlantic ocean
a. the first and a woman
b. the first woman
c. who the first woman
d. the woman who first

Jawaban : B
17. ____________ a tree can be grown from a seedling
a. That is generally believed
b. Believed generally is
c. Generally believed it is
d. It is generally believed that

Jawaban : D
18. The White Rose Bridge, ......................
a.which close today, for
 b.resurfacing will not be
d.two months.
Jawaban : A
19. The poverty level in the United State is currently set __________________.
a. at 12,000 dollars or less.
b. as 12,000 dollars or less.
c. at 12,000 dollars as less
d. at 12,000 dollar or less

Jawaban : A
20. It..............................
a.was obvious from his response in the press conference
b.that the candidate
c.prepare his answers

Jawaban : C

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